Saturday, August 29, 2009

Just a rant

I'm so tired of the BS.

Why am I always being told last minute that my days are cancelled. It doesn't matter if it's class or vacation. Is there no way to figure this stuff out and tell me more than 10 days before?!

I understand we didn't have enough folks to spare to let me take an "onduty" class while onduty. I scrambled and busted my ass working 48 hour shifts to make it. Not once, but twice. I had 5 days notice on the first one, and a couple weeks on the 2nd.

I really appreciated being able to be onduty for the 3rd part, even if I was told to work the remainder of a shift I'd previously been told I'd have off. The "freebie" day off the following weekend was great I guess.

I still don't understand why I haven't been transferred yet. I've gone pretty dang far up the chain of command, twice, and was shot down both times. Every transfer list since is nothing more than a slap in the face. I'm afraid to ask again for fear of ego's preventing a transfer as retrubution or something.

I want to run the calls and get the training, I've practically been begging to run the calls and get the experience to match my training, why not move me somewhere I can? God knows we have enough lazy-asses that'd love to be where I am.

I'm beyond sick and tired of being told that I don't have money problems because I don't have kids. Seriously, did I miss a memo or something? Because last time I checked, I'm worse off than a lot of other guys at work right now. At least they have a spouse to help with the bills. Oh, and I'm sorry, but since I don't drink coffee, read the paper, watch TV, or use any of the condiments, I could care less about paying our ridiculously high station dues right now! I have more pending issues, like, oh I dunno, the power bill at my own damn house?! I've already cut out everything else I can, and am even looking into turning in the tag and suspending the insurance on my beloved harley.

Yeah, so, if you just suffered through my lil rant, I'm sorry. This has been building up for a long time now, since November in fact. Recent events have brought it to a boiling point within me and I need an outlet.

I'm tired of feeling like I'm stuck in a dead-end at the FD. I want to love my job again, I really do, but right now, I'm just sick of all the BS.

I just don't know what to do anymore.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm such a brat

Short, non-work related story.

We all know cops and firefighters have a light-hearted rivalry going. Always have, always will. We pick at each other and crack jokes, but we will have the other's back, no matter what.

A few days ago, I spent the night at a friend's house. Her hubby is an officer, and fellow harley enthusiast.

On my way home the next day, he was onduty, and I knew I'd be passing through his territory. Sure enough, I spotted his car parked off the road from quite a distance away.

Now, I'd NEVER suggest the following if you aren't 150% positive you have the right officer and they're not in a bad mood.

As I approached, I was going about 42mph in the 35 zone. I could see the brake lights come on, so I suspected he knew it was me, or was at least ready if it was. As I passed in front of his patrol car, I flipped him off while, of course, grinning like a fool, then wrapped the throttle on the bike and took off. I doubt I was going too much over 50 when I let off for the stop sign.

As expected, he'd pulled out behind me and caught up, then lit me up. I looked back over my shoulder laughing, and he turned off to go back to his (not so stealth-mode) hidey-hole.

Later, talking to his wife, she said he'd probably have gotten his feelings hurt if I hadn't shot away from him like I did. We'd been joking quite a bit the night before about "blue canaries", "hosedraggers", and more.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Teaching the cops

Because we all know Firefighters were created so cops could have a hero.

I guess these 2 cops have higher aspirations and are trying out for the FD.

Photo found on the web.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I'm still around, life's just been busy I guess.

Over the past month, I've spent over 100 hours in some type of training. I've also spent probably around 50+ hours at the barn or driving back and forth, and that's a modest guess.

As far as work stuff is concerned, it's status quo. I still haven't been transferred even though many lists have come out. The only highlight is that I've been sent off to drive a lot the past few shifts I've worked.

I was sent off to drive one shift and ended up being rolled to tailboard when another person was sent over who had seniority on me. I tried not to show it, but I was a bit upset at first. My mood dramatically changed when we were sent to an apartment fire and I spotted the header.

But for now, I'm evil, therefore, I'm going to leave you all hanging. I found pictures on a news website and I still need to edit them before posting. My department is getting strict about taking pictures so I'm going to have to start hunting my pictures offline, or finding a similarly built building and using photoshop to give a rough idea of how it looked.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Opinions needed

Ok folks, here's the deal. I received an email from someone over at JEMS FireRescue magazine. They want to see about including my blog in a new site they plan on launching soon.

As long as they don't want me to actually identify who I am and where I work, or start to censor myself, I don't see a huge issue with it I guess. I'm just very apprehensive right now, mainly of what will happen if PTB find this blog (if they haven't already), and suddenly have a reason to turn their attention onto me.

So, what do you folks think? Should I go for it as long as I can remain anonymous and uncensored?